Have you ever asked, “What are you reading?” or “Are you reading anything interesting?” The answers may give ideas on what you might like to read or insights into a friend, colleague, or new acquaintance. My experience is the best leaders always have a book they are reading. Reading is essential to lifelong learning.
What role do books play in your life? In your learning? My guess is that for many, we just don’t have enough time. For me this past year making time to read was difficult. But making time to read books is important. I usually have several books in my study that I am working through. On long trips I enjoy audiobooks. I have friends who like audiobooks best. The audio version of my book Decoding the Workplace is the most popular format.
A couple years ago I read the book Surrender by Bono, a memoir. Several people recommended I listen to the audiobook so I did. The audiobook includes music and sound effects and other audio features. I loved it. Perhaps too much. I listened to it three times while driving in my car. If you have any interest in Bono, U2, or making things happen at the highest levels of societies, it’s a must.
Another book I kept returned to in 2024 was Science of Life After Death, a Springer Brief in Psychology by Alexander Moreira-Almeida and colleagues. This short volume (80 pages) summarizes the best available evidence for our survival beyond death. And yes, there is scientific evidence.
My favorite film director is Stanley Kubrick. It should be no surprise that one of my most engrossing reads this year was Kubrick: An Odyssey by Robert Kolter and Nathan Adams. I am still working on this one. Great insights, new understandings of what Kubrick was trying to do, his creative innovations and contributions to the art of movie-making. I read about each film. Then watch the film with a greater understanding.
Last I should mention a delightful children’s book recommended by a friend, The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet by Eleanor Cameron (1954). Thoroughly enjoyed though I rarely like mushrooms.
As we begin 2025, here are a few of the books that are on my reading list:
- The Great Work of Your Life by Stephen Cope
- In Ascension by Martin MacInnes
- I.Asimov by Isaac Asimov
- A Chaotic Life: The Memoirs of Stanley Krippner, Pioneering Humanistic Psychologist (3 Volumes) by Stanley Krippner
- Time Expansion Experiences by Steve Taylor
- Winning Essays 2023: Proof of Survival of Human Consciousness Beyond Permanent Bodily Death (5 Volumes) by The Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies
“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them," Mark Twain.
Or as the comedian Groucho Marx said, “Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”
What are you reading?
Image, my photo.
© John Ballard, PhD, 2025. All rights reserved.
Decoding the Workplace “Is this a must-have for managers and would-be managers? Yes.” Academy of Management Learning & Education, June, 2018. The best-selling audiobook, and CD, are narrated by Timothy Andrés Pabon.