1. Do I inadvertently support stress-inducing norms? Every workplace has formal and informal rules. Some informal rules or norms become well established even though they may be dysfunctional.
- Do employees work long hours beyond what is really necessary?
- How long is the workday really?
- Is time off for vacations encouraged or seen as behavior of those less loyal?
2. Do I consider the potential negative impact of my behaviors on others? Some managers behave inconsistently such that employees are not sure what to expect. A manager gives instructions on Monday, changes them on Wednesday, and changes them again on Friday. Others assign work to be done at the last minute and expect immediate results.
3. What information do I provide to my employees? Often managers tell employees what employees need to know but not necessarily what employees want to know. They may not need to know the context of a decision but where that context can be provided, it may be helpful. It is also good to avoid surprises. As soon as possible, stop rumors, especially those that may have a negative impact.
4. Am I really a good listener or do I just think that I am? I am continually surprised by the number of managers who think they are great listeners but aren’t.
- Can you actively listen?
- What is going on in your mind when someone is talking with you?
- Are you thinking about answers to questions or formulating questions, or are you truly listening to the words, emotions, and body language of the other.
- Worse yet, are you multi-tasking, for example, working on your computer?
5. Do I support my employees? Easy to answer “sure” but do you?
- How easy is it for employees to come to you with requests or questions?
- How often do you ask, “Is there anything where you need my help?”
- Do you know your direct reports well enough to know what rewards they value the most?
- Can you identify recent actions on your part that demonstrate you support your people?
6. Am I a good role model? The leader sets the example.
- Do you stay in the office until your boss is gone?
- Do you manage your stress? Do you take time to exercise?
- Do you meditate, do yoga, or engage in other activities that reduce your stress?Do you encourage use of any company policies that encourage wellness?
Stress impacts the bottom-line through health care costs and lost productivity. If you are a manager, assess your impact on stress in the workplace and adjust as best you can. For those not in managerial positions, think about your supervisors. How would you size them up on these questions?
Modified from my original article published online, September 2, 2015, in the American Management Association's Playbook and modified from my blog 3/11/2019. © John Ballard, PhD, 2024. All rights reserved.
Image, "stress-management", by Mohamed Hassan. Obtained from https://pixabay.com/illustrations/angry-businesswoman-conflict-3233158/
Decoding the Workplace “Is this a must-have for managers and would-be managers? Yes.” Academy of Management Learning & Education, June, 2018. Available as ebook, hardback, paperback, audiobook, and audio CD. The best-selling audiobook, and CD, are narrated by Timothy Andrés Pabon.