For seven years it was with great anticipation I awaited April 8, 2024. Once again a Great American Eclipse would sweep the nation, this time southwest to northeast. Significantly for my wife and me this time fate offered a special gift. On the afternoon of April 8 the shadow of the moon would pass over our house in Beavercreek, Ohio. We could observe the eclipse from our yard. 2 minutes of totality. However the shadow would also pass over Greenfield, Indiana, where dear friends had invited us to observe with them. Almost 4 minutes of totality. View from our home or view with special friends? We chose Indiana. From our friends’ backyard we watched as the sky grew darker, night lights came on, birds ceased to chirp and sing. Suddenly the diamond ring appeared and there was the silver corona. Two solar prominences glowed red. Venus shone below and west of the Moon/Sun. Jupiter above and to the east. For almost four minutes we shared this wondrous celestial event. For our friends it was their first total solar eclipse experience, an experience mystical and moving. For the third time in this lifetime, as I stood in the shadow of the moon, tears formed in my eyes.
Nothing compares with a total solar eclipse. Even if the sun is 99.9% covered by the moon, there is no comparison. As I once read, a partial eclipse is like riding in an airplane. A total solar eclipse is like jumping out of an airplane. Having jumped from planes in my youth, I can wholeheartedly agree with that statement. Experiencing a total solar eclipse is unique. In the year leading up to the eclipse I encouraged friends and acquaintances not to miss it, explaining how to view before, during, and after totality. In the weeks after the April 8 eclipse many people told me how it was so much more amazing than what they had expected. In this modern era it can seem somethings are overly hyped. For most people you cannot overhype a total solar eclipse.
On August 2, 2027, a total solar eclipse will cross north Africa. At maximum totality the moon will cover the sun for over six minutes, the longest totality in the lifetime of those alive today. The next Great American Eclipse is August 12, 2045, a path from northern Californian to Florida. My guess is for that one I will have exited this body and be on to new adventures. 2045. If you are around, try to stand in the shadow of the moon.
Eclipse image (2017) by bdabney. Obtained from
© John Ballard, PhD, 2024. All rights reserved.
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