Johnson and Vishwanath (2011) shared Hunter’s thoughts on how love is about behaviors, such as being kind and giving of self to others. Specially Hunter (1998, p. 124) suggested the true leader demonstrates the following behaviors:
- Self-control (patience)
- Appreciates others
- Encourages others
- Gives attention
- Acts with respect to others
- Seeks to meet others’ needs
- Is honest
- Forgives
- Commits to decisions made and sticks to them
- Seeks “greatest good for others”
My take-away:
Hunter (and Johnson et al.) are talking about servant leadership but regardless, this list makes sense. Each of these activities should increase influence, and perhaps inspire others.
Consider using this list for a self-assessment as we begin the new year. Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means “I do not demonstrate this behavior” to 5, “I demonstrate this behavior very often.” Then look at the gaps. Where do you need to change your behaviors or work on some aspect of being a better leader? Self-reflection is at the heart of leader development. This might be a useful exercise.
Best wishes for the New Year.
Hunter, J. C. (1998). The servant: A simple story about the true essence of leadership. New York: Crown.
Johnson, A. C., & Vishwanath, K. R. (2011). Servant professorship and its implications. International Journal of Education Research, 6 (1), 135-146.
"Congratulations!" © Meg Bisaillon, 2014.
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Decoding the Workplace: 50 Keys to Understanding People in Organizations, coming in May,