In discussing "Capture the moment" with my students, I put another spin on it. I offer my spin as Rule IX, "Celebrate the moment." In the course of our days, our weeks, there may be small victories, small moments that we should savor -- but we don't. They barely register. We move on to the next task, the next meeting, the next project. Savor that "nice work", "great job". Allow yourself to enjoy the contribution you made to the success of the team, of another person. My guess is that most of us frequently have moments somewhere in our day, that if we let them, would bring a smile to our face, increase meaningfulness of our activities.
Sometimes as leaders we fail to celebrate the successes of our units. I had an older graduate student who led an organization that had a very successful year. After we discussed celebrating the moment in class, he realized that he had not done so with his company, that he barely acknowledged the great year before focusing on the next. The next Monday when he went to work, he corrected that situation. They celebrated the moment.
Celebrate the moments, large and small, that unfold to you.
Shepard, H. A. ( 2012). Rules of thumb for change agents. In J. Vogelsand et al. (Eds.), Handbook for Strategic HR, (pp. 88-93). New York, NY: AMACON.
Image,"Coffee Book Flowers" by Sophkins obtained from
Modified from my blog of 12/31/2013. © John Ballard, PhD, 2021. All rights reserved.
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